Andy Stumpf on using weapons in BJJ – “I think shooting is a great skill to add to Jiu Jitsu”

Andy Stumpf recently had a conversation about combining weapons training with BJJ and the benefits that both skills bring. He said, “I think shooting is a great skill to add to Jiu Jitsu. Why wait for your skillset to begin when someone touches you?” With this said, Stumpf claims that using both are great methods of control.

He continued, “Guns being a Harry Potter wand. Just because you have one on you it doesn’t mean that it solves problems. If someone closes that distance and you get caught with both hands down and they’re able to bearhug you they might take you down and you’re in the fight of your life.” In short, Stumpf was saying that the two compliment each other. BJJ is good for close combat if you can’t reach your weapon in time, whereas guns are practical for long-range combat.

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