How long before I can train again after getting a tattoo? Weird BJJ Questions

If you’ve trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for longer than a handful of months, then for some bizarre reason, you’re bound to realize that the majority of practitioners have tattoos. Whatever the reason is maybe unknown…yet this seems the case. Stick around a little longer and you will find the hardcore, those who go one step further and even have specific BJJ tattoos.

From affiliate logos to black belts to dangerous animals such as gorillas and sharks, you’re bound to bump into someone sporting a BJJ tattoo. Because of this, you may be wondering how long it takes for you to get a tattoo and then be able to train again? If you’re one of those people, read on for more information on the subject.

How long before I can train again after having a new tattoo?

As far as general advice goes, most sporting exercise is meant to happen at the earliest at 4-6 weeks after getting a tattoo. For instance, five weeks after your tattoo means that you’re probably fine to go and play soccer and be fine. However, as this is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, it may be advised to take a bit longer in terms of recovery time.

Whether it’s in the gi or no gi, you will be getting grabbed and so your body will be under constant friction and pressure. Especially if you have sensitive skin, to begin with or you’re still sore, then it’s advised to stay away. If you want to be extra cautious, take another few weeks off after the allotted 6-8 weeks and make sure your skin feels perfect before returning.

Of course, there are anecdotal stories of people training days after their tattoo if they stick to drilling and keep the tattoo wrapped and well lubricated. Nonetheless, these people are risking infection which is not fun with a tattoo and seems pointless for the sake of a few weeks of training.

The smart way to get tattoos alongside BJJ

If you love BJJ and are fully addicted, then it may be tempting to cut down on your recovery time to sneak in some training. As mentioned, this isn’t smart as it could infect the tattoo and lead to more time off, or even make the tattoo incredibly painful. As a result, smarter practitioners will actually time their tattoos with big injury lay-offs.

For instance, imagine straining your knee muscles or popping your foot ligaments. You may be forced to take around 6 weeks off to recovery. This is the ideal time to get a tattoo as it kills two birds with one stone. Because of this, you can simultaneously recover from a nasty injury whilst naturally healing your tattoo at the same time.

How can I speed up the healing process of my tattoo?

As a general rule, there are a few things you can do to quicken the healing process. Typically, you shouldn’t expose the tattoo to water early on such as when taking a shower. Instead, you should keep the tattoo wrapped so it can settle in. After this, you may be given a cream to lubricate the tattoo and keep it from burning or going dry and peeling. Of course, if your tattoo feels awful then you can rub on a bit more cream.

Other than this, there’s not a whole lot you can do other than keep it out of extreme environments. This means, keep your tattoo out of reach of direct sunlight, wind, cold or harsh waters. By doing this, you could damage it. Obviously, the smaller the tattoo, the quicker it will heal. Not only this but some tattoos will heal quicker depending on what part of the body they are printed on.

Should you get a tattoo of your gym or affiliation?

On a similar, final note – this is also a question that is often asked and in honesty, the answer depends on the future. Some people will tattoo their gym on their body without a second thought, whereas others are more cautious. In short, it could have bad consequences that you have to consider. For instance, you could fall out with the gym and leave, or the gym owner could have a hidden controversy that disgraces their name. Would you still want a logo that represents this on your body? For most, the answer is no. So be prepared to potentially get the tattoo removed or inked over.

In this sense, getting a BJJ tattoo of your school is similar to getting one whilst in a relationship. At the time you may be fully committed to the idea. However, this thought process may be very different in a few years time. Because of this, it’s wise to think twice before getting one of your affiliation. Although not the same, this example shows how tattoos can cause controversy…not just in Jiu Jitsu but also in wider life.

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