This was the news that elite grapplers from over the globe wanted to here. The UAE Jiu Jitsu Federation’s World Pro is set to return for November 2020.
The date was originally set for an April fixture but had to be cancelled due to Coronavirus. Today the UAEJJF announced they would be commencing the competition on the 18th of November until the 21st. With this in mind, registration is now under way.
For fans of competitive Jiu Jitsu this will come as a welcome relief. Last year saw the likes of Kaynan Duarte, Tommy Langaker and Paulo Miyao take golds amongst others. It will also be one of the first major tournaments to take place since the Coronavirus outbreak spread.
This was acknowledged by the UAEJJF who have added that the competition will follow stringent health and safety measures such as hygiene checks to ensure the virus does not affect the event.
Further news and developments can be found here:
Abu Dhabi World Pro set for November 2020

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