The 5 Best & Most Inspirational BJJ Black Belt Speeches

It is quite normal to give a speech about how your life has changed, goals achieved or simply how you have made friends and enjoyed training when you reach black belt. Usually, people do not talk about these things as they are kind of cheesy. But as a one off when you reach your black belt in BJJ it can be quite inspiring to see just how far people have progressed. In general, a BJJ black belt will take you 10 years to earn, with some people getting it a little quicker and others far slower.

Here are some of the best speeches we have found when someone got given their black belt in BJJ.

The speeches are in no particular order, it would be silly to rate them.

Joe Rogan doing a basic speech about how BJJ has helped him in life

Draculino talking about promoting to black belt. Not a promotion speech, but still quite profound.

An Inspirational speech from Abraham Marte

An emotional speech from ChewJitsu promoting Chad Hardy

Lex Friedman gave a light hearted speech when he was awarded his black belt

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