This week, Australian grappler Lachlan Giles was on the PFed podcast where he talked about all things Brazilian Jiu Jtisu. During this conversation he was asked about his thoughts on steroid use in BJJ.
Lachlan said that using steroids was cheating as it gave an unfair advantage over those who aren’t using performance enhancing drugs. He also pondered how much more training he could do if using steroids. According to Giles, he trains roughly two hours per day but speculated this could be closer to double with steroids involved. He claimed this would make him stronger and sharper, but also double his experience whilst training.
Of course, Giles is against steroids and has proven that at times size doesn’t matter in BJJ. At the same time, he has a point. If you can use steroids to double your training time, it’s no wonder why some of the best in the world do it to get better results when competing.
Lachlan Giles on steroid use in BJJ competition

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