In a recent podcast conversation with BJJ black belt Lex Fridman, Joe Rogan was asked what he believed was the best martial art for self defense. He answered by saying “For sure Jiu Jitsu”, but then went on to change his answer to “grappling”. He added that BJJ, wrestling and Judo were all good to win in a street fight and that Judo was particularly good in a cold climate when the opponent had a coat which could be grabbed and used to be thrown onto a hard floor.
He later discussed why martial arts such as Krav Maga were inferior as they were designed to beat untrained people, whereas grappling could beat trained fighters regardless. However, Rogan also added the benefit of striking to improve your stand up game against a trained striker. Rogan was less than convinced with Krav Maga which he believed wouldn’t be as effective as some Krav Maga practitioners make out.
In general, his opinion was relatively balanced and similar to most peoples who are well versed in MMA.
Joe Rogan on why grappling is the best martial art for self defense

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