Although 2020 may be a bad year for many, Cyborg has had an excellent year and has won many superfights during this period, most recently beating Kaynan Duarte via heel hook. Similarly, Gordon Ryan just came off the back of a heel hook victory against Matheus Diniz.
After beating Diniz, Ryan called out most of the elite grappling world and said he was open to more superfights. It seems Cyborg has a serious reply and tagged Gordon saying “Lets go Gordon. It will be fun” on Instagram. He also said in the post “Since ADCC IS NEXT YEAR and Its My main focus, makes sense to Fight The absolute Champ at ADCC rules. It will be a honor @gordonlovesjiujitsu 👊🏻🔥 Let’s do it!!! Who wants to see that match???”
Gordon Ryan seems to be up for it but had one demand, that it was refereed by official ADCC due to the possible confusing nature of the ADCC rules, he replied by saying “I’m not sure if ADCC rules are on the table for Flo shows. If they are id be more than happy to compete against you in a ADCC finals rules format. The only condition I have is that we have official ADCC refs there, as ADCC rules are very confusing at times and easy to misinterpret. I won’t compete ADCC rules unless we have official refs. other than that, if Flo agrees, I’m open to it 😀”
Interestingly, unlike most of Ryan’s supposed superfights it seems this one may actually go through as both parties are keen to compete against each other. Not only this, but there seems to be mutual respect as Ryan recently complemented Cyborg’s achievements as he’s gotten older whilst Cyborg claimed it would be an honor. Whilst Gordon Ryan seems unstoppable right now, this could also be a chance for Cyborg to claim a scalp if he played a tactical game surrounding takedowns. Having said this, the safe money would be on Ryan right now.
Cyborg calls out Gordon Ryan for ADCC rules match

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