Tex Johnson BODY SLAMS Opponent In To A Brick Wall And Is DQ’d… Again

Tex Johnson is no stranger to controversy and that didn’t change this weekend. Johnson, although a high level grappler, is well known for his outbursts and inability to control his emotions. We will not get into his criminal accusations as nothing has been proven as of yet. However, he has been kicked out of Gracie Barra, Alliance and Unity for his behavior in the past, as well as punching William Tackett in the face.

This weekend Flograppling streamed the NFC All Valley No-Gi BJJ Championships. An event that attracted good competitors since they were paying out over $10000 in prize money. Something which is not to be overlooked in the current economic climate.

The disqualification happened in a similar way to the time he punched Tackett (although he did not receive a DQ for that). In a similar fashion, his opponent kicked out of a heel hook entry and went to run away. Johnson, obviously annoyed by this chased after him and tried a single leg. When Johnson realized he would not be able to finish the single leg, he simply body checked his opponent into a brick wall. It was similar to the type of hit you would see in an ice hockey game.

Johnson who was losing on points at the time walked past the camera with an impetuous look on his face, with everyone else knowing this is the kind of behavior we have come to expect from him.

It is unclear from the footage, but he may have even slammed his own head against the wall, again, not seeming to care at all about what just happened.

The referee then correctly disqualified Johnson which was not the first and certainly not the last time we will see this conduct.

A short video of the event has now been uploaded to reddit.

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