So, online blue belts have been a thing for several years now with the Gracie Academy and Rener Gracie giving out blue belts to online students. Whilst some people are against this for various reasons, it’s also something which has been known about for a while.
However, yesterday saw BJJ student Meg He get promoted to blue belt by her professor Murilo Santana and her partner Margot Ciccarelli (a brown belt who gave her the belt in person). For those wondering, this promotion seemed as legitimate as any new belt – as Meg explained she had been training BJJ for two years, often 5 times per week and had medalled at Euro’s. Not only this, but she had also moved continents to continue training BJJ whilst it was shut down in New York where Murilo’s gym Unity is located.
As the pandemic doesn’t look likely to be going anywhere soon, it seems fairly logical and reasonable that promotions like this will become more commonplace over the next 6 months at least. The video can be seen below.