Mikey Musumeci is is undoubtedly one of the best US competitors of his generation, so when it comes to competing it’s safe to say that he knows a thing or two. Today he took to Instagram to say “Before I fight I like to think about the friends and family in my life. I try to think about the worst case scenario of the match, losing. When I realized that my close friends and family would be by my side regardless of my results I felt a sense of freedom and weight off my shoulders. I feel many people are so afraid of losing that their friends will judge them. But think about it, if your “friend” judges you for a 6 minute match is that someone that is actually your friend, or even someone that you would want in your life as your friend? I feel once you lose that fear of disappointing people, that is when competing becomes fun! Don’t be afraid to disappoint others, focus on yourself and just enjoy it! Win or lose the real people in your life are there for you and are proud of you even just for stepping out of your comfort zone and competing!”
Basically, his mentality was that competition shouldn’t be stressful and that in the worst scenario, you lose. Whilst no one loses – in the big scheme of things it’s not important. He went on to talk about how friends shouldn’t judge your losses and that you shouldn’t care in trying to please them either. This advice is great for anyone looking to improve their competitive mindset as he’s literally one of the best to ever do it.
Mikey Musumeci on the psychology of competing “I feel once you lose that fear of disappointing people, that is when competing becomes fun!”

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