The F2W 156 main event featured Kennedy Maciel vs Junny Ocasio, both who have won belts under the F2W umbrella and had great reputations going into the match.
The no gi bout began with Junny pulling guard and getting passed into side control. He recovered which lead to Maciel attacking the legs before opting to start passing again. He eventually passed Junny with a stack pass which lead to an armbar. Although Junny fought the armbar well and managed to get to the top, Maciel finished the submission on the bottom to win the match. It has been a fine year for the Cobrinha black belt who continues his dominant run. Up until this match, Junny was undefeated at F2W which also shows what a great competitor he is too.
Kennedy Maciel submits Junny Ocasio at F2W 156

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