Quentin Rosenzweig Defends His Sapateiro Catch Wrestling Title

Quentin Rosenzweig succesfully defended the catch wrestling title belt at his first opportunity last night. He faced off against Corey Mullins, who is primarily a catch wrestler but also has a BJJ black belt.

The match was once again a standard catch wrestling ruleset with a best of 3 format. It should be noted that there is no weight limit in this competition.

The weight difference was quite obvious with Rosenzweig being both shorter and leaner than his opponent. Rosenzweig wasted no time getting to the floor in his usual seated guard and inverted underneath his opponent into a toehold. This was defended, so he immediately went to an inside heel hook, for a submission well under 1 minute.

The second submission was another heel hook which was even faster, this time being well under 30 seconds.

Quentin once again proved that catch wrestling is really quite far behind BJJ, especially with leg locks. Whilst it may have been far ahead of BJJ 20 years ago, it seems the the pendulum has really swung in BJJ’s favour by quite some distance as of 2020.

Is there anyone in catch wrestling capable of beating him? Or will it take another high level BJJ competitor to take the title away?

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