How much is a BJJ Gi? A look at the typical cost of an average Gi

If you’re new to the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu then you may be a little surprised at the cost of a gi. Compared to other martial arts, BJJ clothing is generally quite expensive. For instance, some gi’s can literally cost over $600, however this is not the norm. When looking on, we found that the average brand new BJJ gi cost roughly $75. As said, when compared to the likes of Karate or Judo, BJJ is far more expensive with gi’s. In comparison, branded Judo gi’s of the same quality are significantly cheaper and are roughly priced at $35. Below we will go into more detail about cost when looking at gi’s.

Low budget Gi options – are they worth it?

Browsing the likes of eBay and Amazon, you will find some brands that are fairly unknown at budget prices such as $30 for a brand new BJJ gi. Generally, these will be lower quality than other, known brands in terms of stitching and durability. Because of this, it may be tempting but these options may not be ideal for long-term training.

Similar problems may be that their sizing is vastly different than expected. For instance, if it’s a Chinese company then their gi’s may be significantly smaller than you may think. Having said this, these gi’s are not a bad idea for a first gi choice. This means if you do eventually decide to quit BJJ after a few months of training then at least you won’t have broken the bank on buying an expensive gi.

Using the pre-owned, second hand market

If you want a real bargain then you can buy used gi’s on eBay or offline from a friend. For instance, if your friend is selling an old gi, it’s common to buy it for half price. This means if it cost $100 originally, you could pick it up for $50. However, it’s best to check with your friend that the gi isn’t severely worn first and they’re selling with honest intentions.

Alternatively, you can choose to buy from eBay. Usually, bargains can be found from the auction part of the site. Sometimes if someone sells at a weird time of day then you may pick up a great deal. Remember to inspect the pictures precisely and read the full description to avoid disappointment. Due to the high leaving rate of BJJ, you can get some gi’s that are almost brand new for a massive discount.

Typical branded gi’s at average prices

Assuming you’re not after a deal or want to re-mortgage your house to buy a high end gi or a used gi, you can choose to get an average gi at a normal cost. For instance, there are several known brands out there that are good quality and that will last a few years for around $85 new. Generally speaking, some of these brands include Venum, Kingz, Fuji and Storm.

However, if you want a good deal where price meets quality then surprisingly Adidas does some good quality gi’s for under $50. Interestingly, it seems that for now at least, Adidas still price their BJJ gi’s at the same cost as their Judo gi’s. It could be argued that this is due to being the same material and roughly the same design from the same factory, however it still doesn’t stop other brands from cashing in on expensive BJJ gi brands.

Why are BJJ gi’s so expensive?

As has already been established, BJJ gi’s can easily be double that of a Judo gi which doesn’t make sense. However, the answer is probably based on culture rather than practicality. For instance, most Judoka’s don’t care for the fashion side of things and simply enjoy training. Similarly, there is less of a celebrity culture within Judo.

However, this differs massively compared to BJJ where some people collect gi’s and are far more willing to spend big. Usually BJJ gyms cost more to train at, there’s more of a culture around DVD instructionals, privates and other expenses. This helps to explain why BJJ gi’s are so expensive, it’s simply because people are more willing to pay extra because they can.

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