Tom DeBlass – “Don’t give up on your goals & dreams before you give yourself a chance to accomplish them”

Tom DeBlass is known for sharing his wealth of experience when it comes to the grappling world and today said “Don’t give up on your goals & dreams before you give yourself a chance to accomplish them.” In short, DeBlass shared a tale about his first ever competition as a whitebelt which he lost in his first match. He vowed not to compete again after the loss which took place in front of his friends.

He added that he would have never reached his full potential had he quit on that day and that “There’s been many times that I wanted to quit but I reminded myself that victory is reserved for those that pay its price…don’t quit before it’s your time to shine.” He also mentioned never having it easy throughout the belts and that success requires hard work. It seems he may be right due to now owning his own affiliate school system as well as winning various medals throughout his career.

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