Renzo Gracie – “Jiu Jitsu will change you. It’s like chocolate, it’s addictive. Once you begin you can’t stop”

In a recent interview with London Real TV, Renzo Gracie spoke glowingly about the positives that BJJ can bring. He said “Jiu Jitsu will change you. It’s like chocolate, it’s addictive. Once you begin you can’t stop”. He also attributed BJJ to his success saying “I always say never stop dreaming. People always ask why I don’t sleep much. It’s because while I’m awake that I dream of getting better and making people around me better. I live my dreams and I make them happen”

Interestingly during the clip, he also referenced the success of the Danaher Death Squad. He claimed the likes of the Ryan brothers and Garry Tonon would travel over 3 hours per day each journey to go and train at his gym. With this amount of dedication, it’s not surprising why they became so dominant.

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