Jonnatas Gracie & Ronaldo Junior given white tab black belts by Andre Galvao

Today saw professor Andre Galvao award his students Jonnatas Gracie and Ronaldo Junior a special black belt with a white tab. This has been a tradition under Galvao for some time, who has previously awarded the likes of Josh Hinger the special white tab black belt. This is different from the typical red tab that most black belts have on them. For those wondering, the pair have both been standard black belts for some time now.

In BJJ, the white tab is often the source of confusion. Often it means that the practitioner who wears it is an active competitor, which is definitely the case for this pair. However, it can also sometimes be used to signify that they are teaching. In the case of Jonnatas Gracie and Ronaldo Junior, it probably means they are competitors. Galvao claimed it was a ‘special moment’.

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