BJJ Practitioner Felix Villegas sadly dies after car crash accident

Today the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu suffered the loss of a promising youngster named Felix Villegas. Villegas had trained with Nathan Mendelsohn who had these kind words to say upon his death, “He is with God now. He was a sincerely good, hard working , talented kid sure to be a high level competitor one day and I’m so sad I will never get to see the man he was sure to grow into.” Mendelsohn also mentioned how Villegas had lost over 50lbs since he began training BJJ and was obsessed with the martial art.

Sadly, Felix had been in a coma since a car crash in January. He suffered brain swelling and did not wake up. You can still donate to his GoFundMe page which is here and help his family pay for his medical bills.

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