John Danaher on the importance of Push and Pull Mechanics in BJJ

Often one to impart his wisdom, todays topic for John Danaher was the importance of push and pull mechanics in BJJ. Here, The Kiwi said “When playing bottom position in Jiu Jitsu there is a continual battle for DISTANCE CONTROL that leads to a never ending interplay between PUSHING and PULLING.” He then went into greater detail about the two differences.

In short, attacking in BJJ is about pulling the opponent in and minimizing distance to attempt submissions. However, whilst defending the opposite concept applies. Instead, defensive work relies on maximising distance by pushing the opponent away. When thought about like that, it makes complete sense. However, often when rolling in the heat of the moment, people will ignore this concept and pay the price. According to Danaher, by applying these concepts they will help progress your guard game rapidly as a result.

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