Bernardo Faria’s Fanatic Wrestling releases The Ultimate Takedown Course for FREE on sale

The sister-website to BJJ Fanatics, Fanatic Wrestling today released ‘The Ultimate Takedown Course’ for free as part of a sale over the next couple of days.

This isn’t the first time that Bernardo Faria has released material for free and is typical of his charitable nature. As you may have guessed, the instructional is wrestling-based and is focused on improving your takedowns. It has one takedown move each from special instructors such as Chael Sonnen, Henry Cejudo and Ed Ruth, as well as others.

With the growth in no gi in recent years combined with BJJ’s natural relationship with wrestling under the grappling umbrella – it’s a no brainer to pick this up, especially if you’re a guard puller whose takedowns suck. The instructional can be purchased here.

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