Why it can be embarrassing to be a BJJ white belt

Everyone has to start somewhere. In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the starting is being a white belt. Here, you will struggle both mentally and physically, and although people joke about the white belt, it can be quite a painful place at times and a real grind.

Often, the BJJ community laughs at white belts, especially in the form of memes. However, behind these jokes are often truths. It can actually be quite embarrassing to be a white belt at times which is mostly because you don’t know what you’re doing or how to behave correctly. What may seem normal in BJJ culture may be completely different to newcomers who are oblivious about the norms and values that BJJ holds dearly. Here’s why it can be embarrassing as a white belt.

Trim your nails

It’s a cardinal sin to go on the mats with long nails. The reason for this is that you can and will cut people if your finger and toe nails are too long. This isn’t on the minds of most people and can take a while for it to sink in.

Whilst most newcomers will understand the importance of washing your gi and general hygiene, some people take longer to understand the importance of trimming nails. This can result in embarrassing moments like cutting your training partners which may annoy them and create tension. Remember to cut your nails!

The white belt expert

Not all white belts are created equally, and some have more sense than others. No one likes a white belt expert who critiques your every move in drilling and has their own take on the fundamentals. We’ve all been there, some people just can’t help themselves but give advice. Don’t be that guy, it’s cringy and embarrassing and people will just laugh at you.

As the saying goes, the mats don’t lie either. If you’re really an expert then it will show in sparring which is where your true skills will come out. There’s nothing wrong with being a white belt, but a condescending know it all white belt is a pain to be around.

Not knowing the rules

BJJ has a lot of rules, and these change over time and from organization to organization. In short, there’s a lot to keep up with when you’re new and it can be confusing. Although not particularly embarrassing, you can and will make mistakes such as knee reaping and grabbing inside of sleeves. In the big scheme of things, these rules are done in the name of safety.

Nonetheless, as a white belt, it’s something to look out for. As said, you shouldn’t be embarrassed by this either.

The overly enthusiastic white belt

Again, some white belts are more normal than others. The issue with the overly enthusiastic white belt is that they can be incredibly irritating at times and embarrassing. We don’t care if you got a new BJJ tattoo or made a social media account detailing your every move in BJJ. Nor do we care about the new BJJ merchandise you’re wearing.

Why is this cringy? Again, it’s not knocking white belts but at any belt this is kind of corny. However, these guys often stay in BJJ for five minutes then leave forever. At least wait a couple of years first before confessing your love to the gentle art. Until then, treat it like the hobby it is but don’t pretend you’re some kind of samurai warrior either.

Rolling like its the ADCC finals

Of course, it’s good to roll hard at times and especially if you’re preparing for a competition. However, all of the time is questionable, especially if you don’t have the cardio to match your intensity. There’s nothing funnier than seeing a newbie go absolutely crazy in sparring, only to gas out and retire moments later.

Sometimes, white belts will go extra hard to impress people, especially if a higher belt is watching. As said, there’s nothing wrong with training hard. However, doing this when you don’t know what you’re doing is stupid at best. Looking back, many white belts that do this do so with embarrassment but sadly sparring like it’s life or death is something that is all too common.

What isn’t embarrassing about being a white belt

What isn’t embarrassing about being a white belt is having a good attitude, turning up consistently and wanting to learn. Of course, as a white belt you will struggle and fail and make silly decisions. This is completely understandable and is all part of the process.

If any teachers or higher belts frown upon this or look down on it, then they are behaving badly. As the saying goes, everyone loves a trier. With this in mind, as a white belt you shouldn’t be embarrassed to make mistakes or try out new things, this is all part of learning.


Let’s face it, being a white belt can be embarrassing at times and sometimes they do some cringe worthy stuff. Having said this, it’s not the end of the world and you shouldn’t be too hard on white belt behavior too as they are humans after all!

At the same time on a serious note, remember to give respect to the white belts who train properly and are trying to actively improve. If you’re willing to point out the embarrassing stuff they do, you should also be willing to focus on the positives and remember that everyone was once a white belt.

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