Guy Ritchie is an expert film director, but did you know he’s a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu expert too?

British movie director Guy Ritchie is probably best known for his movies such as Snatch, Lock Stock N Two Smoking Barrels, and Rock N Rolla. It’s fair to say that his movies have a distinct blend of crime and comedy which is probably why they’ve proven so popular over time.

However, less is known about his life in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It turns out that Guy Ritchie has actually trained BJJ for well over 20 years and got into the martial art pretty early on. Since then, he’s achieved the rank of black belt under the legendary Renzo Gracie and also trains under Roger Gracie whilst living in London. For outsiders of the art, these are two of the biggest names in the discipline, so you know that Ritchie’s lineage is legitimate.

Speaking on a podcast with Joe Rogan, he also mentioned how he preferred to train using the gi – and enjoyed wrapping his opponents up with their lapels, of which he referred to as using “tasty moves” on them.

He also spoke about the beauty of ‘brotherhood’ in BJJ, adding “There’s a brotherhood. I suppose it’s the same for people who go to church, I don’t know. There’s a brotherhood I found amongst fighters. Everyone’s game and friendly comes round for a BBQ. There’s a whole substructure there where everyone looks after everyone else.”

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