If you’re new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu then the chances are that BJJ gi sizes will confuse you. Don’t worry, this system is actually quite easy to understand when you get the hang of it. However, if you’re new then it may be quite confusing.
Basically, most adult gi’s start with the letter A followed by a number. The higher the number, the bigger the gi. This means that the lower the number, the smaller the gi. There are then other variables such as kids gi’s and women’s gi sizes which we will also discuss later.
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How do bjj sizes work?
A good way of thinking about gi sizes is to ignore the A at the front that can be a little confusing. Usually, this just means adult. Instead, it’s best to focus on the numbers. As mentioned earlier, the higher the number the bigger the size. This usually means a bigger gi in both height and weight. If you’re still confused then check the diagram below which explains things with more clarity.

For instance, you may be wondering, how big is an A5 gi? As seen above, this is on the large end of gi’s and is usually meant for physically larger people. Usually, people who wear these are either naturally massive or overweight.
At the other end of the spectrum is the A0 which is meant for significantly smaller people. As a general rule, most people fit between A1-A3. However, there is always an exception to the rule.
What’s also worth noting is that each gi size can be individual within a specific brand. This means that the guide above is more of a rough definition rather than a definitive rule. In other words, an A2 could be closer to an A1 from a different brand. Remember to do your research and double check the size in centimeters before buying.
What size is an A2H gi?
As seen, there are sometimes variations with gi’s that have a letter on the end, such as the A2H for instance. This is usually another way of saying ‘wide’ which means it may have the typical length as a regular A2 gi, but with a wider fit.
These gi’s are particularly good for people who are naturally stocky or wide. For example, it saves them from wearing an A3 gi which may be too long on the sleeves and pants. Therefore, the A2H is a good fit as it’s not too baggy but still fits their width.
For good A2H gi’s check out this selection from Gold, who are one of the leading gi brands on the market.
How do I know what size gi I am?
Sometimes a gi manufacturer will put the size in a different format, such as 6/180. This can mean the person’s height in feet and then the weight. However, usually this form of sizing isn’t too common these days.
So, if you want to find out your own gi size then it’s best to measure your height and then your arm length from arm to arm. This will give you a measurement in centimeters which you’ll be able to choose a gi from. When this is done, you’ll need to then check with the gi company and correlate your measurements with their size chart.
Thankfully, all reputable gi companies usually have their own chart online. If you’re buying in person at a gym, then this may even be easier as you can try on gi’s before you buy, making sure they fit perfectly.
One last thing to note is that gi’s can shrink a little in the wash. Some gi’s are made with a pre-shrunk fabric so you don’t have to worry about shrinking. However, it’s fairly common that your gi may shrink 1-2% with its first wash. Just remember, don’t put it on a very hot wash as it can significantly shrink a gi and make it hard to get into.
Elite Sports are a brand we would recommend as their kimonos fit well and are not too expensive either.
What size gi does my kid need?
When it comes to the sizing of a kid’s gi, it has its own system which is similar to the adult version. Usually, instead of the letter A, they use the letter C instead which stands for child. What’s different about kid’s gi’s is that some are very young at 4 years old, whereas others may be in their teens. Therefore, there’s quite a lot of scope within the system.
As seen in the kid’s size chart below, there is a rough system of how to find the right gi for your kid. Having said this, it’s also like the adult’s gi world where these sizes aren’t written in stone. In other words, each brand will have its own specific way of grading its own gi sizes.

Again, the number 0 signifies the smallest size, whilst the higher the number, the bigger the kid. It’s also worth noting that if you have a big teenager that has gone through puberty, then they may fit into adult sized gi’s anyway.
The good news is that if you’re a parent, kid’s gi’s are usually much cheaper than an adult gi and are normally half the price. They also last longer as a child’s grip is less likely to rip a sleeve or collar, whereas a large man can potentially rip a gi if their grip is strong enough.
How do women’s gi sizes work in BJJ?
Statistically, there are a lot fewer women that train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu compared to men. However, one advantage of being a woman that trains BJJ is that women’s gi’s are substantially cheaper compared to men’s.
As seen below, the letter A is replaced with the letter F for female. You may have noticed that the female gi system is very similar to the men’s. This starts with a low number (1) and ends at 5. One thing worth noting is if you’re a naturally large woman, then you could wear a male gi if you needed. At the other end of the spectrum, you could even wear a kid’s gi if you were small enough.

Once again, it’s important to note that the above size chart isn’t universal. All gi brands have their own sizes and interpretations. This is why it’s best to analyze their size chart if you’re unsure.
If you’re a female BJJ practitioner then check out this Sanabul gi which is available in multiple colors and Sanabul are known for their quality gi’s.
Do I need to buy an expensive gi?
To keep it real, you do not need an expensive gi to train BJJ. Whilst some pricey BJJ gi’s are nice, they aren’t essential. In reality, most gi’s come from similar factories around the world that use the same materials. In other words, a lot of price is dictated by branding and marketing rather than genuine quality.
A good example of a brand that isn’t too expensive yet has a good reputation is Fuji. For starters, Fuji have been making gi’s for years and on the back of this has a solid reputation. This means your gi won’t cost too much whilst it won’t fall apart after months either.