The 10 most inspirational Bernardo Faria quotes for training BJJ

These days, Bernardo Faria is known as the face of BJJFanatics which is a website that provides learning videos on how to improve Jiu Jitsu. However, before this he was a Worlds and Pan-Ams champion, among other accolades.

At one point, he was arguably the best in the world (in the gi in his weight category which proves just how good he was at BJJ). Here, he helped popularize the under over pass, as well as proving that half guard could work at the elite level.

As you’d expect with many champions and successful people, Faria has a number of inspirational quotes under his belt that apply to both BJJ and life in general. Here’s a list of his top 10 quotes that will help your BJJ journey.

“It’s a huge honor for me!”

“At brown belt, I had never rolled with many big names in my life”

“I want to see my Jiu Jitsu evolve at all times and I want to be better today than I was yesterday in everything I do, not just in competitions”

“What works best for me was training Jiu Jitsu twice per day, and during sparring to go as hard as I could with the toughest guys. That was my formula”

“In BJJ, technique beats strength but will beats technique”

“Every day, you wake up being and push hard. Almost overnight you make the decision to stop (competing) and you don’t have anything to replace that”

“In Brazil there are two sports. Number one is soccer, number two is all of the others”

“I believe that the biggest advice is don’t have ego when you are training. Just keep focused on what you are doing and always keep trying to improve, improve, improve!”

“It’s not just about your age, it’s also about your mileage”

“When you’re resting, you can learn something too. You can lay down in bed and read a book”

If you’re a fan of Bernardo Faria then check out his half guard DVD here.

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