Looking at the effectiveness of Kinesio tape in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

If you’ve trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a number of years or if you’ve grappled in general, then the chances are that your body will ache. Whilst many of these aches and pains are annoying – most of them go away at some point. The issue is when they can develop into things that are far nastier.

As a result, many BJJ practitioners often turn to various remedies which is often out of desperation. For instance, they may look at conventional methods to fix muscle pains such as physiotherapy, or they may look further a field, with controversial methods such as considering using a chiropractor instead.

One way to help improve muscular pains is by taping up. Used for decades, many BJJ practitioners turn to tape to help nullify pain. This is especially common when looking at fingers and digits. However, what about muscle pain in the shoulders, neck, knees, and back?

For this, some people suggest using Kinesio tape. Also known as KT tape, this is usually a brightly colored form of tape which isn’t as tightly wound compared to other forms of tape. It is often thicker and is used to compress the skin and muscles where the ache is present. This brings us on to our next question, does it actually work – and if so, how?

When to use KT tape when training BJJ

Firstly, KT tape should never be used as a substitute for surgery, nor is it a magic cure if you’re severely injured. Instead, it should be used more as an aid whilst training to help relieve pain. In other words, imagine that you’ve got sore shoulders before training. Although you can feel they’re sore, you still train anyway as it’s not an injury either.

Ideally, this is where KT tape comes in handy as it may offer some pain relief and make life a bit easier. So, how is this done? According to those who praise KT tape, it works by gently lifting the skin from the deeper tissue that is underneath it. This allows easier blood flow to the desired area.

Online, there are a few pictures that show bruises where KT tape has been applied, and the area that was underneath the tape looks much less inflamed compared to the untouched area. Of course, this doesn’t prove anything but certainly hints that KT tape does affect the body.

Put another way, KT tape probably won’t fix your body from major injuries. However, the point is that it will possibly prevent bigger injuries from occurring and make training less painful. If we’re being honest though, there are critics of Kinesio tape who are skeptical. Still, there are also those who have used it for themselves and preach its benefits.

The verdict – does Kinesio tape actually work?

When it comes to KT tape, the verdict is still out. Unfortunately, there has not been enough scientific evidence to prove whether it works or not. Having said this, there is nothing to say that it harms the body either.

With this in mind, Kinesio tape is seriously something to consider. In the worst-case scenario, you blow $15 on tape that you dislike. On the other hand, if you find it beneficial, then you could potentially fix muscular problems which could increase your training and improve your quality of life. In other words, some people swear by Kinesio tape and there are no real downsides if you don’t find that it works. Because of this, KT tape should be considered by grapplers as it could just change your life.

Check The Price Of Kinesio Tape On Amazon

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