Gordon Ryan hangs out & rolls with Jason Momoa in Hawaii

After defeating everyone at the 2022 ADCC event earlier this year, Gordon Ryan took a few weeks off on vacation and ended up in Hawaii, which is the birthplace and home to the Hollywood A-lister Jason Momoa. Whilst here, he wound up hanging out with the star who looked delighted to be mixing it up with grappling royalty.

This led to Gordon Ryan even getting a Hawaiian style leg tattoo which was similar to Momao’s. They also hung out, watched some of Gordon’s ADCC matches and according to Ryan, they even rolled together.

According to Gordon Ryan’s Instagram, he wrote “We hung out, I watched him work, which was fascinating, we drank, we grappled, we had many deep conversations”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time that Jason Momoa has trained BJJ either. A few years back, he was even sighted training wearing a gi. Even though he’s a white belt, as you can imagine, the prospect of rolling with Momoa wouldn’t be easy. He is naturally large and stands at 6’4 feet, meaning he’s even bigger than Gordon Ryan!

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