A-Lister Kristen Bell trains BJJ – “Jiu-Jitsu is all about leverage”

Hollywood A-List actress Kristen Bell recently did an interview with Real Simple magazine, whereby she also announced her love for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. To say this was shocking would be an understatement, as Bell has previously made no hints about training BJJ. Nonetheless, it turns out that she has been training for roughly one year and like many celebrities, she has been bitten by the BJJ bug.

Speaking on the gentle art, Bell said “I started taking mother-daughter jujitsu classes last year with Cesalina Gracie, our trainer, who is the closest physical representation to Wonder Woman you’ve ever seen. I could break your arm.”

She continued, “Jujitsu is all about leverage—it’s about using connection and distance. And doing it with my daughter brought us closer together. The first two classes were about using your voice, because if no one can hear you, you’ll never get any of your wants, hopes, or dreams. You have the right to take up the space that you take up, and to properly communicate with someone—to say yes or no.”

So, even though Kristen Bell is a busy celebrity, she still takes time to train – and like many other parents, she got into it by training alongside her children. Kristen Bell is best known for starring in movies such as The Boss and You Again.

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