Ahmed Best – From Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars to BJJ Black Belt

Ahmed Best arguably plays one of the most iconic Star Wars characters ever – Jar Jar Banks. First seen in Star Wars Episode One: Phantom Menace, Jar Jar has endured a love-hate status with Star Wars fans ever since.

Interestingly, it turns out that the actor who played Jar Jar (Ahmed Best) is also a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, under the legendary Machado brothers. He began training under them decades ago whilst in Hollywood shooting movies.

According to Best, he said this about his BJJ journey “The journey to black belt isn’t as long as it might seem. When I tied on my white belt, black belt it seemed so far down the road. The day I got my Black Belt those early days of training felt as if they went by in a flash. I had great times finding out about myself on the mat. I’ve had some serious tests. There have been discouraging days as well, but the words of my father ring in my ear and I found myself at the academy ready to learn the next day.”

Aside from the Star Wars movies, Best has also featured in TV shows such as Cougar Town, Law & Order, and Robot Chicken. As seen in the throwback video below, Best talks all things BJJ (and a little Star Wars!)

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