Gordon Ryan offers to fight rival Nicky Rod in a parking lot

It looks like the war of words between the B-Team and Gordon Ryan is continuing to escalate. In a recent podcast, Nick Rodriguez claimed that he could beat Gordon Ryan in a fight, which is obviously different than competing against each other in sport Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

This led Gordon Ryan to respond in typical Gordon Ryan-style, who did not hold back on his comments. On his Instagram page, Ryan wrote “Let 2 things be known – I’m more than willing to fight in a parking lot until one of us is hospitalized. Pick a day, pick a lot. I’ll be there. Seeing as you couldn’t even answer a Whatsapp message about grappling me, I’ll take that as a no. But more than happy to drag your face across the concrete if that’s what you like.”

He continued, “2 – imagine being so stupid that you think the main determining factor in MMA is physical attributes. Oh wait, it’s the same way he thinks about grappling, which is why he never won anything of note in his entire wrestling or Jiu Jitsu career.”

The hint of MMA has led fans to speculate whether the two could potentially meet in a future MMA fight which would undoubtedly be very entertaining. It should be noted that Rodriguez is known for his incredibly athletic, powerful style that would translate well with MMA, whilst Gordon Ryan is obviously a massive technician with previous MMA training under his belt.

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