BJJ Veteran Ryan Hall has his 16th operation in under 2 years

There’s bad luck, then there’s really bad luck. In the case of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt Ryan Hall, he certainly falls into the latter – having just undergone his 16th bout of surgery in just two years. Yes, you read that correctly.

Back in 2022, after his sixth surgery, Hall took to his Instagram page to write“6th surgery in 14 months today. Not sure who has my voodoo doll, but if they could stop stabbing it, I would really appreciate that…”

It seems that this voodoo doll is still in action. This week, he took a selfie from the hospital bed, writing “And the 2022 surgery train rolls into 2023… Back to work soon.” Sadly for Hall, this bout of knee injuries has badly affected his combat sports career too. For instance, he previously had a successful MMA career, going 9-2 and winning various bouts in the UFC. However, he hadn’t fought since 2021 due to his injuries. Furthermore, he was also due to compete in the 2022 ADCC which was canceled due to his health.

Interestingly, he is also scheduled to feature on Polaris in June – but whether this happens remains to be seen.

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