How to know if your BJJ is run like a cult

Over the years, there have been accusations that certain Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms display cult-like behavior. This can be seen in a variety of ways. These include god-like instructors, rigid hierarchy, questionable financial practices, and other strange signs to look out for.

In this article, we shall look at the 10 most common signs to look for. This can be when you’re starting a gym, or even if you’re years deep – there are still certain things to look out for. Here is our guide on whether you’re training at a cult gym or not:

  1. Strong emphasis on loyalty: A BJJ gym that places a high value on loyalty to the gym or instructor over all else may exhibit cult-like behavior. This can manifest in pressure to train exclusively at that gym and discouragement from training elsewhere.
  2. Isolation from outsiders: A BJJ gym that discourages or forbids interaction with people outside of the gym may be exhibiting cult-like behavior. This can include discouragement from training at other gyms or socializing with people who don’t train in BJJ.
  3. Black-and-white thinking: A BJJ gym that promotes a strict us-vs-them mentality may be exhibiting cult-like behavior. This can manifest in the demonization of other BJJ gyms or instructors, as well as the belief that the gym’s way of doing things is the only correct way.
  4. Pressure to conform: A BJJ gym that places a strong emphasis on conformity to the group may be exhibiting cult-like behavior. This can manifest in pressure to adopt the gym’s beliefs and practices, as well as discouragement of individuality or dissenting opinions.
  5. Financial exploitation: A BJJ gym that engages in financial exploitation, such as demanding exorbitant fees or pressuring members to purchase unnecessary equipment or merchandise, may be exhibiting cult-like behavior.
  6. Excessive admiration for the instructor: If the instructor is idolized and their word is taken as absolute truth, this may indicate a cult-like environment.
  7. Groupthink: If members of the gym all think and act the same way, this may be a sign of groupthink. This can be a result of pressure to conform and may lead to a lack of diversity of thought and perspective.
  8. Separation from family and friends: If the gym encourages members to spend all their time training and to distance themselves from family and friends who are not part of the gym, this may be a sign of a cult-like environment.
  9. Demands for exclusivity: If the gym demands that members train exclusively at that gym and discourages members from training elsewhere, this may be a sign of a cult-like environment.
  10. Pressure to recruit new members: If members of the gym are pressured to recruit new members and to prioritize recruiting over their own training, this may be a sign of a cult-like environment.
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