Jay Rodriguez Has No Idea Who Marcelo Garcia Is

In a recent B-Team video, Jay Rodriguez showed just how ignorant he truly was on past legends of BJJ. The 21 year old literally had no idea who Braulio Estima, Marcelo Garcia or Rafa Mendes were. This left many people scratching their heads about how he became so good at jiu jitsu.

In fairness, Rodriguez did know who Andre Galvao was, but other than this, it seemed as though he had truly never watched old matches on youtube. Furthermore, he had not interest in knowing either.

It may not come as a surprise, but in previous videos, Craig Jones claimed that Rodriguez had no idea who Gunnar Nelson was either and confused him with Woody Harrelson – who he knew was a famous actor. Jones made a good point in the video that there is actually a reasonable chance that Marcelo Garcia knows who Rodriguez is, but this is not mutual.

This has led many BJJ fans to speculate just how good Jay Rodriguez actually could be if he had bothered to study old match tapes in aim to improve his own grappling.

Rodriguez also added that in his spare time, he enjoys coloring books, but had never completed reading a book in his life. In addition to this, allegedly, Rodriguez does not really drill either and apparently learns techniques simply through watching and sparring. He only becomes aware of new techniques when someone performs them on him.

Although this video is somewhat satirical, it does prove a point that not everyone learns in the same way and you certainly don’t have to watch instructional videos, or pour hours of your time in to studying in order to improve.

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