AJ Agazarm alleges Gordon Ryan’s WNO win Vs. Patrick Gaudio was fixed

Who’s Number One is currently facing allegations regarding the legitimacy of the outcome of the recent match between Gordon Ryan and Patrick Gaudio at Who’s Number One 20: Night of Champions, which took place on October 1st, 2023. These accusations have been raised by AJ Agazarm, who claims to have received information from a highly credible source. According to Agazarm, there are suggestions that the contract between Ryan and Gaudio contained provisions that appeared to favor Gaudio’s defeat by armbar submission.

Remarkably, the match concluded exactly as predicted, with Ryan successfully submitting Gaudio via an armbar. Ryan had even publicly forecasted this outcome prior to the contest. At this juncture, there is no concrete evidence to substantiate Agazarm’s allegations. However, Agazarm has expressed his intention to obtain a copy of the contract independently. It is noteworthy that Agazarm and Ryan have engaged in social media exchanges before, although they have never competed against each other due to their significant differences in weight classes. It is essential to approach these allegations with caution, as they remain unproven until corroborating evidence is presented.

Gordon Ryan has also addressed these allegations by sharing screenshots on his official Instagram account and vehemently denying them.

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