Andre Galvao on Gordon Ryan – “He’s a coward”

In a recent interview spoken in Portugese, Andre Galvao continued his war with words against Gordon Ryan. This is now one of the longest feuds in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Gordon Ryan constantly at loggerheads with various members of the ATOS outfit.

When asked whether Galvao would possibly fight Gordon Ryan, he replied saying “I don’t know. I believe he would be scared, he’s a coward. If this fight happens, if ADCC pay me what I want, then it would be a great pleasure to fight him. I would win that. I would kick his ass beautifully, haha.”

Gordon Ryan went on to respond, claiming that he had tried to fight Galvao on several occasions, even offering to do a superfight for free with donations to a children’s charity in Brazil. Nonetheless, so far nothing has emerged as to whether this will actually ever happen.

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