The term ‘Whizzer’ actually originates from US, collegiate wrestling and is used to describe an overhook. Although this comes from wrestling, it’s actually incredibly important for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu too. […]
Category: Articles
Everything you need to know about Octopus Guard
The Octopus Guard is a variation of half guard that is a very attacking position. It offers both submissions and sweeps that can help dominate Brazilian Jiu Jitsu matches. Sometimes, […]
What is the story behind the BJJ black belt with a blue bar?
The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt is often associated with the red bar which is where the stripes are awarded. In some cases, a BJJ black belt can also opt […]
A short history of fake black belts in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Let’s face it, most BJJ black belts are more than proud of their rank and as it takes roughly 10 years to achieve, this is understandable. Unlike most other forms […]
The Best BJJ Gyms In Brisbane, Australia
The gyms below are some of the best BJJ gyms in Brisbane. These gyms aren’t ranked in order such as best to worst as some people will be looking for […]
A list of interesting Keenan Cornelius facts
Keenan Cornelius is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt from Hawaii, USA. After training under the likes of Andre Galvao for years, he eventually left to create his own gym, […]
What is spazzing in BJJ?
If you’ve trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for more than a couple of weeks, then the likelihood is that you’ll know the term ‘spaz’ which is commonly used in gyms far […]
Is BJJ effective against multiple attackers?
Over the years, Brazilian Jiu Jisu has faced the same criticism again and again. This is that BJJ doesn’t work against multiple attackers. However, is this criticism founded or even […]
Can a BJJ Brown Belt promote?
If you’re a white belt that is training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under a brown belt, then you may have often wondered, can a BJJ brown belt promote me? The answer […]
What is the Brown or Purple belt with a red bar in BJJ?
In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, most belts follow a typical code. From white to brown belt, you’ll have your colored belt with a black bar. Then when you get to black […]