Gold BJJ Pre Roll Review

In recent times, one particular BJJ brand has started to crop up more and more online which is known as ‘Gold’. You may have heard or used this brand who deal with various BJJ items. Well, today we decided to try out their ‘BJJ Pre Roll‘ supplement that is ‘Amazon’s choice’, apparently.

This is basically a pre-workout formula but has a bit of a twist. Basically, it is Acai flavored which is quite unique and will obviously appeal to BJJ practitioners. For obvious reasons, the fruit has an affinity with BJJ and has always been enjoyed by many Jiu Jitsu players.

So, what does this pre-workout offer other than others? Well, according to Gold, it was designed specifically for training BJJ. This differs massively compared to most pre-workout supplements which are geared towards lifting weights. One criticism of these supplements is that they give you a quick buzz and then transform into jitters.

These jitters are not ideal for training BJJ as you will often need to roll for 30 minutes whilst training. Apparently, each serving has roughly one cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine. Elsewhere, it is low in calories and carbs. So, is it as good as it sounds, or is it just another false dawn?

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Obviously, taste is often the biggest issue with pre-workout supplements. Back in the day, some of these would taste too synthetic. Even by todays standards, many of the big name brands fail on this front and just don’t taste quite right. Thankfully, this is not the case with Gold Acai Pre Roll. Instead, it genuinely tastes like Acai. As you’re probably going to be using pre-workout several times per week, it’s important that it tastes nice. Thankfully this is spot on.


Arguably just as important is the performance. As mentioned earlier, Gold are quite adamanet that their product won’t cause jitters or a big energy crash. Thankfully, they seemed true to their word. Upon using it, there were no problems found and you can train like usual with no highs or lows. It seems that the correct balance of ingredients has been found and as a result, you won’t feel your heart is about to burst out.

Generally speaking, you can notice a bit more energy whilst training. As every BJJ practitioner will know, this is important for sparring. It may be the difference between escaping a submission or hitting a sweep. In the big scheme of things, these little details can go a long way.


So far, so good. On to the price, Gold Pre Roll is thankfully priced very fairly. At just under $30, it works out at roughly $1 per serving as each pre-workout has 30 servings in total. Put another way, this price is competitive with its rivals and compared to pre-workout bars or pouches, it is far cheaper. Often, these can cost well over $2. With this said, the price is not an issue with Gold Pre Roll and it is a good deal when you factor in the taste and quality.


Overall, Gold Pre Roll is a winning product. There’s not really anything else like this on the market which is a pre-workout supplement specifically aimed at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With this in mind, if you train often or are a competitor then this is worth serious consideration. As a result, we have decided to award this supplement a 5/5 score and have been impressed with its results.

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