The Top 15 Helio Gracie quotes for your mind and body

Top 15 Helio Gracie quotes

Helio Gracie is the founder of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and was the head of the world-famous Gracie family. Simply put, without him, the ‘gentle art’, wouldn’t be as widespread as it is today. He took this martial art and spread its roots from Brazil to the wider world. To see his influence, his BJJ was witnessed in the early days of the UFC and from then onwards it changed fighting forever.

However, with Helio, his lessons meant more than just breaking arms and choking people. Instead, he created a legacy that was based on inner peace. Like many great martial artists, his message was to improve you mind as well as your body. With this said, here are some of his greatest ever quotes that will teach you not just about BJJ, but wider life as well.

“Always assume that your opponent is going to be bigger, stronger and faster than you; so that you learn to rely on technique, timing and leverage rather than brute strength”

“A man of peace, confident in himself, dominates his adversary with his moral strength. Not with his physical power”

“The quickest way to lose is trying to win”

“Every aggression, no matter what, whatever it is, between its beginning and end, has a space where it gets weaker. I get everybody in that space”

“I never defeated anybody. I just helped them defeat themselves”

“A real Jiu Jitsu fighter does not go around beating people down. Our defense is made to neutralize aggression”

“Jiu Jitsu is for the protection of the individual, the older man, the weak, the child, the lady and the young woman – anyone who doesn’t have the physical attributes to defend themselves”

“Jiu Jitsu is a mousetrap. The trap does not chase the mouse. But when the mouse grabs the cheese, the trap plays its role”

“You should never have a power in any area, with the purpose of harming someone”

“For the choke, there are no tough guys. With an armlock, he can be tough and resist the pain, with a choke he just passes out and goes to sleep”

“When you have confidence you can mediate and put an aggressor in his proper place without the need of fighting – and that scares the lazy one”

“Jiu Jitsu is like a philosophy. It helps me to learn how to face life”

“I knew I wasn’t going to lose and that was based on the fact that I wanted not to lose”

“Every child should learn how to swim, ride and fight”

“Patience. Lose this, lose everything”

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