How much do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes cost for kids?

If you’ve trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at some point in your life, then you’ll be well aware that it can be expensive. Sadly, that’s the way it is and other martial arts such as Judo are far cheaper. However, for many adults they prefer to do less extreme activities and would rather take a back seat where BJJ is concerned.

This is completely understandable and some people have busy social and work lives. For a lot of people, they don’t train but their kids do. So, this begs the question of how much do BJJ classes cost for kids?

How much do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes cost for kids?

The answer to this question depends entirely on each individual gym. In poor areas, you could get up to 50% off or more in comparison to more expensive gyms. Having said this, as a general rule – kids classes will roughly cost around $100 per month. Usually, most gyms offer around 4-5 kids classes per week which means if your child is devoted enough, they can get a lot of rounds in and practice.

Before signing up though, it’s best to check the prices with the gym owner, as well as reading online reviews before committing to make sure it’s the right price for your children. It should also be noted that most BJJ gyms won’t disclose their prices online and usually you’ll have to ask in person.

Don’t worry, although this practice can be annoying – it’s perfectly normal within the BJJ community. You should also remember that some places simply don’t offer kids classes. Whilst most will, sometimes if a gym is very new or small, they won’t teach kids.

How much do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes cost for kids as a drop in?

A drop in is a BJJ term when someone literally ‘drops in’ to another gym as a one off. You may stay there for one session, a week or longer. In short, it’s training at a gym that doesn’t require a long-term contract and you’ll only be visiting. Usually, these costs are around $20 per session or so. Typically, drop ins will cost far more than breaking down classes on a monthly or yearly deal.

At first glance, drop-ins may look expensive but when you compare it to other sports, they’re actually quite reasonable. If you’re training somewhere on a semi-permanent basis though you can probably work something out and get a custom deal.

Should I sign my kid up to a year long contract at my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym?

This is a good question and there’s certain pros and cons to consider. Imagine there’s a gym offering $100 per month for your child to train. At the same time, if you pay up front, you can get a 12 month contract that costs $1000. This means you’ll effectively get two months free. Sounds good? Well, there are some issues with this.

Firstly, there’s a good chance your kid will fall out of love with BJJ. This is perfectly understandable and some kids change their mind which is normal. Because of this, be careful signing a long-term deal as it may sound tempting but it also has its pitfalls. Another issue with this is obviously that it requires more up-front cash. The problem with this is that if you’re on a budget, it may be too much at once.

Secondly, there’s the possibility that the gym closes and the owner does a runner. Although unlikely, there are stories out there of such things happening. Therefore, it’s up to you to make your own judgement and see what deal is best for you and your child.

Is it worth training at multiple gyms for my child?

In BJJ, cross training is fairly common but not essential. In short, if you can afford it then go for it. Cross training is when you train at more than one gym and it has great benefits. The main benefit is that your child will be exposed to different styles of teaching and sparring. This will force them to adjust their game and solve problems against different styles on the spot. As a result, some parents will train at different gyms if possible.

Obviously, the issue with this is that you’ll be paying extra money. If this is a regular thing, it would mean paying $200 a month on average which soon adds up. Still, if you can afford it then it’s certainly tempting.

What are the other costs of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Away from gym costs, there’s also the cost of buying a gi, rashguard and other accessories such as a gym bag and gum shield. Usually, as a one off purchase these should cost anywhere from $50-$100+ depending on what brands you buy and how much gear you want. Thankfully, kids BJJ clothes are far cheaper than adult clothing.


Typically, the average gym will charge $100 per month for kids BJJ. As mentioned, this isn’t set in stone though and it completely depends on each individual gym. For instance, this particular gym costs nearly $1000 per month to train! However, this is a rarity.

Overall, the decision of whether you want your kid to train BJJ and where they train is completely up to you.

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