Jay Rodriguez claims that his brother Nicky Rodriguez is ‘natural’ & doesn’t use steroids

Over the years, many Brazilian Jiu Jitsu spectators have commented and speculated on the body of Nick Rodriguez. With a huge frame and chiseled six-pack, he has the physique of a Greek god. In fact, from day one he’s looked this way and continues to maintain his physique whilst training regularly.

Because of this, some have accused him of taking steroids and PEDs. Of course, this is something that he’s never really spoken about so the speculation continues to be rife. Having said this, his younger brother Jay Rodriguez recently wrote on Instagram, about how he and his brother were natural athletes who didn’t juice. This buys into the theory is that Nicky Rodriguez could just be that 1% of human beings with incredible genetics.

Responding to a critic, Jay wrote, “When I came into BJJ I realized how big steroid use was in this sport and it’s crazy, so I can see why it’s easy for you to accuse us of steroid use when it’s so common. But you have to realize there are natural athletes at the highest level of this sport, i.e. (the) Ruotolo brothers, Rod brothers, Roberto Jimenez, Keith K, PJ Barch, etc.”

This comment certainly got a lot of attention online and continued to fuel the debate as to whether Nick Rodriguez was actually natural or not. Interestingly, a lot of comments are divided – with some putting it down to good genes, whilst others have said he’s using PEDs.

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