Mario Lopez on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – “It’s like physical chess”

Mario Lopez is probably best known for his role in the hit TV series, Saved By The Bell as A.C Slater. Here, he was viewed by millions of Americans every week for several years. Now it seems, he’s turned to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in his 40s and was even promoted to the rank of blue belt – which is the first big promotion after white belt.

Whilst on The View, he gave a video interview about his passion for BJJ and boasted about its physical benefits, as well as its positives for his hyper child, Dominic. Like many parents, he originally wanted to teach his kids discipline but ended up entering the BJJ world as well.

“I’ve always loved martial arts. I always grew up wrestling and boxing. When I had my first son, he was very hyper and I wanted to teach him discipline, respect and self defense – all great attributes in life. Once I got him into it, I wanted to get into it too. It’s like physical chess. I work out more for the sanity rather than the vanity, it helps with stress.”

As it happens, Lopez seems to be a bit of a BJJ technician as well. He has been seen training with Keenan Cornelius and is well versed in the art of Worm guard. With this in mind, it’s fair to say that he genuinely loves BJJ which is great to see!

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