The 11 best Royce Gracie quotes for BJJ and MMA

Royce Gracie is without a doubt one of the greatest martial artists ever and is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu legend. Not only this but Royce Gracie was the child of Helio Gracie and brother of Rickson Gracie, so it’s fair to say that he truly lives and breathes BJJ.

In short, the face of modern MMA wouldn’t be the same without Royce and he really did change the martial arts landscape forever. Whilst many people will know him as UFCs first ever Champion, less will know about his quotes which are inspiring and interesting alike. Read on, you may recognize a couple!

“Talented people without discipline don’t’ go anywhere”

“Mike Tyson’s a great boxer. The greatest boxer – but boxer. Not the best fighter”

“I’m not part of the history. I am the history”

“The losses are good if you learn something”

“You put the devil on the other side and I will come to fight”

“My strategy is not to give them a chance to hit me”

“I am representing the art of self-defense that my father created”

“You win the fight in the training camp. Not on the day of the fight”

“Jiu Jitsu is not the art of hitting. It’s the art of not getting hit”

“A black belt only covers two inches of your ass. You have to cover the rest!”

“When I took a punch from Shamrock, I was happy. Shamrock hit me full in the face. I loved it because I had never received a punch”

If you’d like to learn more about Royce Gracie and his BJJ skills for street fighting, then check out this classic book that he wrote. It may be old but the techniques are timeless.

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