What are the best BJJ mats for home?

Whilst training in the gym is optimal, training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at home certainly has its perks. This is especially the case if you have a trusted training partner or a friend and you want to train at weird times of the day, or due to having a busy schedule. In fact, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu mats at home trend really took off during the Covid 19 pandemic which caused global lockdowns.

As a result, this made the BJJ mat drive bigger than ever. Fast forward to today, and a lot of people have BJJ mats at home. Here are some examples of the different types of mats that you can use. These range from low budget jigsaw mats to large more professional mats. Read on for more information.

Jigsaw mats

Jigsaw mats get their name due to working like jigsaws. For example, they are usually sold in groups of 10 or so and slot together and connect. The beauty of these mats is that they’re usually relatively cheap and are made of foam, roughly being an inch thick or so.

As a result, it’s no surprise that jigsaw mats are the most popular choice whilst grappling at home. Another obvious benefit is the ability to add or subtract. In other words, you can use as many or little jigsaw pieces as possible to fit the rooms in your home.

Furthermore, these are also useful for storage as they don’t take up too much room, unlike other mats. Such is the popularity of jigsaw mats is that you will often see them being used in gyms. These are particularly popular in newly established gyms when someone is just starting out which is down to their efficient ease of use.

Check The Price Of Jigsaw Mats On Amazon

Foldable mats

Before jigsaw mats there were foldable mats, which are typically a bit more expensive and are bulkier. In other words, if you have the space then these are fine. As the title suggests, these mats fold up which makes them convenient to store and train on – albeit they’re probably inferior to jigsaw mats in this regard.

Anyway, if you don’t like the idea of jigsaw mats then foldable mats are a good choice. One benefit that these usually have over jigsaw mats is that they’re usually made with a bit more quality and have a smoother surface. This means the mat will never come apart and potentially injure your ankle, nor is it likely to cause mat burn.

Check The Price Of Foldable Mats On Amazon

Large mats

Large BJJ mats aren’t for everyone and are only for those with lots of space, preferably outside. These are suited for those with a big garden or a small building next to your house. These are often sold as yoga or fitness mats, and sometimes they’re advertised as wrestling mats. Basically, these are made of the same materials as regular BJJ mats and serve the same purpose.

Usually, these will last long but just remember, you’ll need space to fit these and they’re not exactly short-term like jigsaw mats. Of course, if you’re committed and have the space, then why not?

Sometimes you can grab a bargain when buying large mats, especially if they’re used and they typically cost less in terms of square footage compared to other types of mats. This may be due to their awkward size but if you can make this work for you then you may just be able to turn them into a real bargain.

Check The Price Of Large BJJ Mats On Amazon

DIY mats

For those low on funds, DIY mats are a good option, but you have to be creative and resourceful to make this happen. For instance, many of us may have trained on carpets which isn’t the smartest idea but it’s certainly doable with a safe training partner.

If you’re willing to put in the time though, there are other alternatives. These include collecting cardboard, flattening them, and then turning them into mats by securing them with tape. Whilst not perfect, they’re usually good enough and actually don’t take too long to build.

Furthermore, most supermarkets will happily give you free cardboard if you ask which means these are basically free. The one issue with cardboard is cleaning them. Obviously, if cardboard gets too wet then it can warp and become damaged.

This is why if you’re going to use it, you should replace the cardboard every once in a while, or spray it with cleaning liquid after use without getting it too wet. As seen in the video below, DIY cardboard BJJ mats are genuinely a thing.

Remember to clean your BJJ mats!

Of course, rolling at home is different compared to training in a gym. However, the same hygiene rules apply and you should always clean the mats before and after training. The point of this is so that germs don’t gather which could potentially cause MRSA and ringworm. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to clean mats, especially if they’re small.

Usually, you can spray these mats down with disinfectant and cleaner which is also pretty cheap too. This is a pretty basic way of maintaining cleanliness and doesn’t take much time so there’s no excuse to really not clean your BJJ mats.

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