What belt is Mark Zuckerberg in BJJ?

One of the weirder moments of 2022 was learning that Mark Zuckerberg trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Making public appearances on Joe Rogan’s podcast, The Zuck went as far as to claim “It’s the best sport, where has it been all my life?” and even claimed to have trained under the respected Dave Camarillo. He would also go on to feature on Lex Fridman’s podcast where once again, Zuckerberg spoke about BJJ.

Around this time, there was also a video released by the Facebook and Meta owner showing light sparring in nogi, which looked to be a mixture of BJJ and MMA training. This leads us to the next question that everyone is asking, what belt Mark Zuckerberg is when it comes to BJJ.

As of right now, Mark Zuckerberg is actually a white belt in BJJ. This makes sense, considering that he hasn’t been training for too long. Aside from his own training stories, there isn’t too much known about Zuckerberg’s relationship with BJJ. Due to living a busy lifestyle, it would be hard to tell how much he trains. What is known is that some of the Meta staff train together and even have their own branded Facebook gis.

It’s also not known how Zuckerberg trains. For instance, it’s one thing drilling with black belts and claiming to train, whereas it’s another thing altogether to get out in the wild and spar with ordinary people like Tom Hardy does. Stay tuned for more updates on Mark Zuckerberg and his BJJ belt progress.

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