Why do BJJ practitioners tape their fingers?

If you’re new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you may see some of your training partners wrapping their fingers with tape. This is actually very common, especially in the gi. Some, older BJJ practitioners will literally tape their fingers during every training session which includes the odd finger, all the way up to almost mummified hands at times.

So, why do BJJ practitioners tape their fingers? In this article, we shall discuss the phenomenon of finger taping in BJJ and why it’s so common. Fear not rookie, it’s not as strange as it first seems!

Most people who train in the gi use finger tape

Most of the people who use finger tape do so whilst training in the gi. The reason for this is that gi grips can be quite damaging on the fingers compared to the grips used in no gi. Basically, imagine trying to grab a collar tie in no gi, your opponent may escape easier as it’s literally harder to maintain the grip due to a lack of grip.

Now, imagine doing this grip with your fingers in the back of the opponent’s collar. Naturally, your fingers will bend tightly. The issue with this is that if your opponent twists or pulls back their gi quickly, it can hyper-extend your fingers. If done harshly enough, this can easily break your fingers. Often, it will cause mild joint pain. Now, imagine training regularly for years. That mild joint pain could threaten to become chronic.

Similarly, the gi has certain guards which can cause strain on the fingers. Specifically, guards like spider, worm, lasso, and collar-sleeve can really test your grips. Due to the constant pulling and gripping with your fingers to maintain these guards, you can really wear your finger ligaments out.

In fairness, training in no gi has its fair share of injuries. However, these are typically more involved with the neck and legs compared to the gi. At the same time, perhaps the most common injuries in the gi involve the fingers – because of the reasons mentioned above.

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Finger tape protects against damaged ligaments and fingers

So far, we’ve established that training BJJ (and in the gi in particular) can damage your fingers. Even without the gi, they can easily get jammed shooting for takedowns which isn’t ideal. So, how can we prevent damage?

Most grapplers turn to finger tape to protect damaged fingers and prevent future problems. For instance, if your pinky finger is injured or sprained, you can tape it tightly to your ring finger. In doing this, you should be able to avoid your finger from sticking out and taking further hits.

There are other ways to protect your fingers as well. One way is to tape a singular digit on its own. The is once again done to stop it from bending and keeping it straight. In short, finger tape isn’t a magic cure for your fingers. However, the idea is to keep your fingers tight and stop them from moving too much. In taping your fingers correctly, you should be able to still grip like usual but with an extra layer of protection in case things go wrong.

Finger tape can help heal fingers safely whilst training

When it comes to training BJJ, the chances are that you will get finger injuries at some point, especially if you train in the gi. One of the main benefits of using tape isn’t just prevention, it’s also a cure. For example, imagine breaking your leg. You can’t really train around that regardless of how stubborn you are. However, if you break a finger and tape it enough then you can still continue training (especially in no gi).

This may not be for everyone but it allows you to train whilst dealing with injuries. There aren’t too many other body parts that you can simply tape up and continue with in BJJ, which shows why finger tape is commonly used.

Alternatives to BJJ finger tape

Whilst most people will use finger tape, some people even wear finger braces which isn’t that common but it does happen. The finger brace is the same as an arm brace but for single digits. As you can imagine, this gives you added protection. The only issue with one of these is that it may be too stiff for some and ruin the ability to make grips whilst sparring. In other words, the point of finger tape is to give security whilst also allowing your fingers to bend.

With finger braces, whilst your fingers are probably more secure than wearing tape, they’re arguably less mobile. Ultimately, this is a decision that a grappler has to make and everyone has their personal preferences. You could say that tape is great for injury prevention whereas a finger brace is better if you’ve broken your finger and still want to roll.

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What happens if you rush back from injury with injured fingers?

If your finger has a light strain and you continue to train then you’ll probably be ok. Of course, you always run the risk of making things worse – especially if you don’t tape up. However, the main issue is if your rush back from a bigger ligament injury that you can make it far worse. If your finger is broken badly then you probably shouldn’t train either, despite temptation.

In some cases, joints can stiffen up and stick in one position permanently. This is called Jersey Finger and is not good for long-term grappling or life off the mats. Basically, imagine bending your fingers to hold a cup. Now, imagine the broken finger cannot literally bend. This is Jersey Finger. Although rare, it can happen so is something to keep in mind. As ever with grappling and BJJ, it’s up to you to make sure your recovery time and rehab is done correctly.


One of the beauties of using BJJ finger tape is that it’s easy to use and is incredibly cheap. If you train often and want longevity then using finger tape is the way to go. As mentioned, it won’t give you magic fingers. However, it will give you some security and may stop pains whilst training.

In conclusion, most people use finger tape to stop injuring their fingers. Or, if they’re already injured then finger tape will allow you to continue training without further damaging your fingers.

If you want some sturdy finger tape that won’t let you down then check out this pack from Hampton Adams.

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