Will BJJ get you ripped? The Ultimate Guide to improving your physique

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a tough martial art that involves hard sparring and is therefore an intense cardio workout. On average – the amount of a typical burn during a session with sparring is around 700-800 calories. In some cases, you can even burn over 1000 calories in a, particularly tough session. With this said, training BJJ can get you ripped, albeit is quite a specific way to get into shape.

Ripped BJJ players as an example

For an example of the BJJ physique, the likes of Leandro Lo and Gordon Ryan prove anything is possible. Originally starting at a lighter weight, Lo is no a BJJ heavyweight and has a muscular, ripped frame. The same goes for Ryan who was originally a slight build but is now completely shredded with defined, six-pack abs.

In more recent times, many of the top BJJ players have become more ripped to make efficient use of their weight category. For instance, if you are as ripped and muscular as possible within your bracket, you should do better against a less strong, less conditioned opponent who is in worse shape. As a result, many BJJ practitioners use strength and conditioning away from BJJ to get ripped. This doesn’t just apply to the elites of the sport either – you can find this in various gyms throughout the world. These days even some hobbyists are taking advantage of this to maximize their success in competitions.

How to get a ripped body in BJJ

To achieve a better-looking body whilst doing BJJ, you should be training regularly. This means at least 3 times per week on average. This should also involve rounds of sparring which will push your heart rate up far higher than drilling will. As a result, you will burn calories which will eventually lead to burning fat. Under the fat on your chest are muscles, which will now be more visible than before.

To guide this process, you should also be eating a healthy diet which is important with meal planning. Sugary and processed foods will only hinder you, whilst fresh foods such as protein and vegetables will help massively. If you want to shed fat on your stomach, you must diet alongside regular training to create a calorie deficit. This is where you burn more calories in a day compared to gaining calories by eating throughout the day. In short, a calorie deficit will reduce body fat and combined with BJJ will get you a ripped body.

But how easy is getting shredded through training?

Overall, getting ripped isn’t difficult provided you follow the guidelines above and stay disciplined. This means you don’t have to use steroids or go on a crazy diet. However, moderation is key. A good way to stay focused is by signing up for a competition to ensure you make weight. This forces you to stay on track and have a goal to reach. Not only will your body look better, but it will also be better through improving your diet. With a good diet and consistent training, your average BJJ practitioner can get ripped. Of course, age lifestyle will play a part in this.

Grapplers have been ripped since Ancient Greece

If you look throughout history, many grapplers have been ripped. Whilst this isn’t as common with heavier practitioners, the average wrestler fits the bill. In short, grappling is a great cardio workout that is also good at conditioning your muscles. With this in mind, you only have to look back at ancient Greece to admire the athletic physique of their wrestlers.

Here, the ancient Greeks would have chiseled bodies and would have been incredibly strong at the time. Remember, these people didn’t have access to modern foods or protein powder. Instead, they had basic, but healthy diets and a physical lifestyle. This shows getting ripped as a BJJ player is very much possible with the right mindset.


Overall you can get ripped from training BJJ. As the previous arguments have mentioned, BJJ will definitely shape your body and make it more toned and defined. Whilst BJJ probably isn’t as efficient for this as say cross-fit or a tailored cardio routine, it’s also probably the most enjoyable way to get ripped. It should also be stated that results won’t happen overnight. Routine is key and it may take the average person over a year of solid training to get the desired results of a conditioned body.

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