Kid hits a savage wrist lock in Purple belt Gi competition

This week saw an interesting and rare wrist lock uploaded to Instagram. The user, named Samuel Acord hit the move in the adult Gi division at purple belt rank. This happened at the American Grappling Federation competition which took place in Colombus, GA last week.

As seen in the video, the trickster clearly baits his opponent into getting a collar grip whilst standing. From there, he circles his arm from the outside to inside over the opponents hand. With the hand trapped in the Gi jacket, he ducks under the opponent which creates a horrible twisting motion on the opponents wrist. Here his foe responds by trying to free his wrist. However, the practitioner then ducks under his opponent a second time which adds even more pressure on to the wrist.

With this done the opponent has no choice but to tap and you can see the agony on his face. Visibly annoyed, the opponent also responds by shaking his wrist afterwards which shows how painful the submission was. According to Samuel Acord, he said “I’ve had this move in my pocket for a while…”. He then went on to win triple gold at the competition proving a successful day.

The wristlock has since been covered by the legendary Cobrinha and the video below shows the wrist lock in all its glory.

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