Polaris Squads European team announced

For those wondering, the next Polaris Squads is gi-based and takes place on November 7th via UFC FightPass. This comes after the previous Polaris Squads event which saw the UK/Ireland team win 1-0 overall and was done in a no gi setting.

Whilst the UK/Ireland team is still yet to be confirmed, Polaris today revealed the European squad which is as follows:

Under 75KG
Espen Mathiesen
Tommi Pulkkanen
Leon Larman
Pedro Pacquito

Under 95KG
Tommy Langaker
Adam Wardzinski
Luca Anacoreta
Max Lindbald

So far, the stand out names include Espen Mathiesen, Tommy Langaker and Adam Wardzinski who are all specialists in the gi.
As seen below, Langaker has put on some fantastic performances with Polaris and is known for his eye-catching style and excellence in winning at scrambles.

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