Robert Degle explains how his instructional videos have been torrented over 800 times & how it effects him

Robert Degle is best known for his analytical approach to BJJ and it’s no surprise that he’s trained under John Danaher. If you look at the way he talks and thinks about BJJ, his style is often philosophical and he goes into great detail in explaining the mechanics behind certain moves and why and how they work.

Today he took to Instagram and showed a screenshot from a torrenting site that had his videos on. They had been downloaded over 800 times. Regarding this, he said “I just found out today apparently my instructionals have been torrented 800X. First off: to the MMA tracker community I appreciate the kind words regarding the quality of my instruction. It’s actually an honor to know that many people are stealing my stuff. That being said I like being able to pay rent and eat. I put out a ton of free content for you guys all the time. Please help out a starving BJJ instructor. I work my ass off to produce content for you guys and I’m not getting rich. I’m just paying the bills. I live in NY guys. It’s expensive as shit here”

What makes things more interesting is that he already offers bags of free content on his Youtube channel, which makes torrenting less justified in some ways. At this moment, his videos are $77. If you do the sums, that’s over $61,000 in sales. Of course, the reality is that some of these people probably still wouldn’t have purchased anyway – but the point remains, that’s a lot of money.
In response, you can buy his instructionals for 45% off from his website with the coupon PleaseDontTorrentMe. His site can be found here.

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