Lucky Dog’s Brandon McMillan – Not just a dog trainer, but also well seasoned in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brandon McMillan is best known for his dog training skills and for his hit CBS show ‘Lucky Dog’ which shows his dog-handling abilities. In fact, his show was that popular it even won a Daytime EMMY award. However, away from figuring out the inner working of the canine mind, it turns out that he also enjoys figuring out how humans work too. No, we’re not saying that he’s a psychologist.

Instead, Brandon McMillan is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu JItsu and has spent years mastering the art. Unlike many celebrities that use BJJ to self-promote, McMillan is one of the legit ones. He is known to spar regular people and get his hands dirty and has also trained at the legendary Renzo Gracie Academy in New York. Undoubtedly his time spent training also crosses over into the handling of dogs too.

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