More Plates More Dates analyzes Mikey Musumeci’s impressive physique and ponders whether he uses PED’s

More Plates More Dates has analyzed a number of celebrities over the years and is something of an authority when it comes to steroid use. Recently, he did a video on Mikey Musumeci and whether he was using PED’s. According to some of Musumeci’s followers, Musumeci has a diet that mostly involves pizza, pasta and acai. However, he is still incredibly ripped.

This is what More Plates More Dates had to say, “I can’t say for certain that he doesn’t take gear as this is an untested sport…we see this in the UFC, guys get popped at any weight division, there’s different performance enhancing drugs for different outcomes. It’s not just an anabolic steroid that he could be using. I would speculate, he’s probably not using them. But, I could be wrong.”

So, to clear it up, he believes that Musumeci is probably all natural. It should be noted that Musumeci’s pizza and pasta is freshly made, so it’s not exactly processed or high in fat or sugar either. Combined with Musumeci training all year round and competing often, you could say that this diet is actually very appropriate for him and gives him much needed energy. Undeniably, Musumeci’s ripped torso is very impressive however.

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