BJJ Athletes – Jacob Brown Biography Interview

Jacob Brown is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete who currently lives in Orange County, California, after being born in Miami and living in New York City until 10 years old, before he finally moved to the west coast. Brown began training aged 6 and recalls “My mom’s sister is a cop in Newark, N.J. She introduced me to an academy where police trained and their kids trained.” Since then he has trained ever since and is currently a purple belt under the legendary Mendes brothers at their AOJ academy. Here, he is taught by Gui Mendes and Nick Bholi. It is Gui along with his brother Rafa who he lists as having the biggest influence on his career so far.

We asked Brown about his favorite BJJ moves. His favorite guard is de la riva, whilst his favorite sweep is the balloon sweep. When on top, he prefers the cartwheel pass and his favorite submission is the bow and arrow choke from the back.

Brown is also an avid competitor and typically competes at light feather, under 63KG. He lists his biggest achievement as winning the 2019 Worlds as a blue belt. After competitions re-opened post-Covid, he then won 4 IBJJF competitions and one superfight in a row. However, like many competitors, life isn’t always easy – as Brown recollects “Having an MRSA staph infection was my worst injury that put me out for 4 months.”

Jacob would like to thank his strength coaches Sherry & Scott who help him cut weight and improve his strength training for competition.

And also a special thanks to his sponsors






You’ve had a lot of success under the Mendes brothers. What makes them such good teachers?

“The Mendes brothers are great teachers because they care about their students and constantly keep us motivated and inspired. With a competitive based atmosphere with positive reinforcement.”

In terms of a BJJ career, where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

“As for a BJJ career, I should be a well known, well respected 3rd degree black belt with multiple world titles and a successful academy and some acting and traveling teaching seminars, giving back knowledge to the community that raised me.”

I’ve seen you do skateboarding, do you think that helps BJJ in terms of balance and falling correctly?

“Skate boarding helps with balance but jiu-jitsu helps with falling properly.”

As you’ve competed so much, do you ever get nervous before matches or are you used to it now?

“I’m used to being nervous in competition, that feeling never goes away. It’s just managed better with time and experience. The self-pressure to win is intense.”

What do you think the next trend is in BJJ? (I.e. Berimbolo, heel hooks etc)

“The next trend in BJJ isn’t visible to me at this point, but I’m sure BJJ will become a greater sport in the near future.”

Lastly, what are your plans for the future?

“My plans for the future is to be a film star and have an amazing academy.”

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